Well! It worked. And on the first try, too! I finally got a new camera and decided today is the day I was going to learn to upload pictures from it to my computer, and from there to anywhere on the web I wanted to put them. After making it out to be such a big deal in my mind, it was easy as could be. You can be sure that if I had realized how well it would work, I would have ironed my block and worked at taking a better picture. Oh, well….live and learn.
The name of the block is Cherry Blossoms from the 1992 edition of Great American Quilts. The book’s version was a bed size quilt with 16 blocks and a pretty appliqué border. I’m just not that ambitious, so my version will be a four block wall hanging. I have big hopes and plans for the finished product. If all goes well with it, I will be entering it into a quilt show in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, next spring. Well will see how THAT works out.
Great job Kim--although I think it is going to take all of us a while to remember to sign our names to each posting . Why isn't the site smart enough to just figure out who is who (just because we all sign in as daleyquilter....) Now I have to get busy and make something new so I can add another photo.