Sunday, November 7, 2010

Finally Fall!

October in our corner of Kentucky means cooler temps and much lower humidity levels. It's a time to begin to plan ahead for the upcoming cold weather months and all the quilting we can get done then. Our October guild meeting had us coming together again to enjoy each other's company and talk about quilting. Show and Tell was a bit sparse this month, but the work was lovely nonetheless. Frances showed a cute tree skirt of many many diamonds. Roxanne finished her wool applique of pumpkins and other fall items at long last. I shared my progress on the Cherry Blossoms applique wallhanging, but didn't take a picture of it so you'll just have remember what it looked like.

Karen Allen of Paducah was our guest for the evening. She presented a very nice program demonstrating how to make a variation on the Cathedral Window quilt. The "windows" in this one are elongated rather than the more normal square. By using a bright print fabric and a black background, the finished effect was very Christmas-y and very pretty! She came on Saturday, the 30th, to conduct a class and workshop in this same technique. Several quilters met to make blocks, chatter, and generally have the fun that quilters have whenever they get together. Our bunch is a creative one and they were already figuring out ways to change this and tweak that and having table runners and couch throws and the like from this nifty pattern. I wasn't able to take the class, but I did come by for a bit to take some pictures and see how everyone was making their own Cathedral Windows. I'm posting pictures from the meeting and the class for you to enjoy.


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